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I am offering integration and consultation sessions to anyone that needs support on their healing path.

In my practice i have been holding space in ceremonies serving Tobacco and other Master Plants supporting hundreds of men and women on their path of healing.

Tobacco is an integrative plant teaching us how to walk the earth, overcome obstacles and grow deep roots. It bestows on us protection and creative power so we cam manifest ourselves in the world. Part of my offering is connecting you to Tobacco’s spirit and helping you to embody the qualities that it promotes because we all have the potential of being strong rooted channels balanced in harmony within and without, like the plants and trees around us, and this is the teaching of the plants.

What can you expect and what tools do I utilize?

In my experience the period of integration after a ceremony or a dieta is as important as the ceremony itself. It is the process of assimilating the information received in ceremony, the healing and teachings brought to you by the plants spirits, the universe and your higher self. This process starts as soon as our ceremonies are closed and can last for months and even years.

All of these symptoms are common after closing a ceremony:

  • Information that was dormant in your subconscious may now become consciousness
  • Memory that was stuck in your body may resurface to your awareness
  • Deep insight my arise about how you need to live your life
  • Loneliness and a sense of isolation my come up when you transit from doing shamanic work to returning to your everyday life.
  • You may sense a gap between what you have experienced in spirit and your ability to bring it to your day to day lives.
  • For some people this will result in feeling restlessness, anxiety, experiencing nightmares, feeling shame and guilt, deep sadness, feeling stuck and unable to make a decision from a place of alignment

My role is to share from my experience and offer support.
Give context to your process, give you tools, to listen with compassion without criticism and hold a safe space to empower you.

My fee is a minimum of $120 for 75 minutes. If you feel like offering more you are welcome. Payment is made via PayPal to

Connect with Merav for more information