unlocking the power of your voice
a shamanic retreat
Sharing Circle
Fire Ceremony
Sound Healing
Despacho Ceremony
Temazcal Ceremony
Tobacco Ceremony
Ayahuasca Ceremony
Alexandra Zachary
Janneke Boeiakaloa
Merav Artzi
Dates: December 1st to 8th 2019
In the Ancient energies of the Sacred Valley, and the beautiful serene gardens of Caso De Campo, we’ll work with sincerity and heart to find the love within ourselves to reopen our throat chakras, grounding through the spirit and power of tobacco, to empower ourselves once again as we play and raise our voices, to restart an inner dialogue.
When the borders of ourselves are not sovereign, we fail to find where the boundaries of our natures and vessel exist. This is a retreat for women whose voices have been closed by the traumas of their pasts and past lives, a place to reopen and find the space to embrace and express their existence. A space for people that want to work through sexual trauma, loss of identity, and on their relationships with themselves and the others in their lives.
By aligning our energetic selves and training our vocal muscles, we help bring forth the true authentic nature of who we are. Drawing from the classical training of opera, the songs of the Amazon, and the energy of the spirit, we find a way to reopen what has been closed, and closed itself to hurt.
We must first open to ourselves before we can truly open to others.
We must connect with our sexuality as a gift to ourselves before we can choose to share it.
To truly dance, we must first become our own partners.
In the loving arms of Mother Ayahuasca and the sounds of the Icaros, we are reborn as we move through the stagnant hold of our traumas, relinquishing them with the stories that do not serve, and giving back to the Pachamama with thanks for the lessons they have taught us.
This an invitation to find the joy inside ourselves, to re-embrace our right as we transform our pain through the alchemy of community. Letting our voices shake off their binds and bonds as we sing, dance and share, as we laugh and find our strength once again.
Retreat Program
The Sound Healing Work
During the week you will learn how to access and balance your energetic body through vibration and sound.
- Practice ancient Nada Yoga (vocal yoga) techniques; chanting seed syllables and mantras with accompanying mudras (hand postures) and affirmations.
- Learn relaxed breathing techniques and vocal sound production to access and free your creative self and find your authentic voice.
- Directly experience your vibrational nature through sound baths, using crystal singing bowls and other sacred and sonorous instruments.
- Release deeply held emotional patterns stored in the body through rhythm, movement, and drumming.
By discovering sound as a healing tool you empower yourself to release and balance, purify and align. This is an invitation to truly open your heart to yourself and others.
Day 1
9.00am – Pick up from Cusco
10.30am – Check-in & relocation to rooms
12.00 am – Lunch & Introductions
2.00pm – A traditional Andean offering ceremony connecting to the spirits of the land.
4.00pm – Preparing and purifying body, mind, heart and spirit with Mayan Temazcal
8.00pm – Dinner
Day 2
9.00am – Breakfast
10.00am – Sound healing
1.00 pm – Lunch
3.00pm – Introduction to the sacred healing plants Mapacho & Ayahuasca
7.00pm – Setting the ceremonial space, meditation.
7.45pm – Mapacho ceremony
Day 3
9.00am – Breakfast
10.00am – Sharing circle and integration work
1.00pm – Lunch
4.00pm – Meditation in nature, ground, connect
7.00pm – Dinner
Day 4
9.00am- Breakfast
10.00am – Voice yoga, vocal your heart & voices
1.00pm – Lunch
3.00pm -Drum circle, expressing and releasing through rhythm
7.00pm- Dinner
Day 5
9.00am – Breakfast
10.00am – Personal talks with the healers
1.00pm – Lunch
4.00pm – Meditation in nature
7.00pm – Setting the ceremonial space, meditation
7.45pm – Ayahuasca ceremony
Day 6
9.00am – Breakfast
10.00am -Sharing circle, integration work
1.00pm – Lunch
3.00pm – Integrative work- Expressive Mandalas painting
7.00pm – Setting the ceremonial space, meditation
7.45pm – Ayahuasca ceremony
Day 7
9.00am – Breakfast
10.00am – Sharing circle & integration work
1.00pm – Lunch
2.00pm – Spa
7.00pm – Dinner
8.00pm – Fire celebration
Day 8
9.00am – Breakfast
10.00am – Farewell & Closing Prayers
11.30am – Departure (Bus to Cusco/Airport)
The Sound Healing Work
During the week you will learn how to access and balance your energetic body through vibration and sound.
- Practice ancient Nada Yoga (vocal yoga) techniques; chanting seed syllables and mantras with accompanying mudras (hand postures) and affirmations.
- Learn relaxed breathing techniques and vocal sound production to access and free your creative self and find your authentic voice.
- Directly experience your vibrational nature through sound baths, using crystal singing bowls and other sacred and sonorous instruments.
- Release deeply held emotional patterns stored in the body through rhythm, movement, and drumming.
By discovering sound as a healing tool you empower yourself to release and balance, purify and align. This is an invitation to truly open your heart to yourself and others.
Shamanic ceremonies
The ceremony itself is an offering of small amounts of native Andean seeds, grains, and fruits, together with coca leaves. During the ceremony, the Apus, or sacred mountain deities, and the four elements: Earth, Water,
Andean offering ceremonies give thanks to Mother Earth (or the Pachamama) with the guidance of a Shaman, an Andean priest. The Pachamama Offering ceremony is part of a system of reciprocity between the material world and the spiritual world. According to Andean beliefs, it helps establish balance in our lives
and Fire are invoked. In addition, the three levels of life (hanan pacha: the world above, kay pacha: this world, and ukhu pacha: the underworld) are represented by the components of the offering. Finally, a ritual toast (challa) is made with chicha de jora (native corn beer). The final step of the ceremony is the burning of the offerings so that they can return to their origins, rising into the sky while the remaining ashes are buried in the earth to complete the cycle.. Air
A Tobacco ceremony
…is a powerful physical and energetic cleanse. Participants in a Tobacco ceremony drink an infusion made from the plant’s leaves (it is not obligatory to smoke). This type of Tobacco is called Nicotiana Rustica, and it grows in the Latin American jungle. It is not the same Tobacco that is used in commercial cigarettes – it is rather wild and potent, with no chemicals or additives.
During a Tobacco ceremony, participants often experience a sense of presence in their bodies. This plant works to bring us back to our body, and connect us to our heart, intuition and higher self. It is a grounding plant. Tobacco is not psychedelic and does not promote visions. It does work in the dream world, inducing lucid dreaming. These dreams are different from everyday dreams – They may illustrate teachings and the way that the plant is currently working in our bodies.
Tobacco juice is a strong purgative. It works to collect and clear toxins from our physical, emotional and mental bodies. The process can be challenging at times, as the body is releasing held tension, blocked emotion and material toxins. It often involves vomiting, defecating, sweating, and alternating between feeling hot and cold. After our body feels clean, light and energized, and our mind relaxed and clear.
The best way to be in a ceremony is to surrender to the medicine and let it do its work. The more we trust in the medicine and process, just allowing things to be, the deeper the healing and connection we will experience. When we give up control, life happens. It’s the same when we come to the ceremony. Surrender allows us to listen deeper to our hearts, get a better understanding of our needs, be kinder to ourselves, and give comfort and care to parts of us that are hurt and afraid. From this place, healing occurs. Behavioral patterns can be released, answers to questions become clear, and wounds resolve if we just allow.
Ayahuasca Ceremony
Ayahuasca is a traditional, psychedelic plant spirit medicine of the Amazon. Used for thousands of years to cure physical, emotional and spiritual problems, it’s beautiful healing qualities have recently been spreading throughout the world.
Ayahuasca has the potential to assist with problems ranging from diabetes to autoimmune diseases, infertility; and long-standing depression, anxiety, addiction, PTSD and other deep psychological issues.
Ayahuasca can also bring amazing philosophical and spiritual insights and can connect the drinker to deeper levels of creativity and heart-centered living.
As with other profoundly transformative therapies, the benefits are only available through safe and secure space, held by trained and caring facilitators, and through the commitment of the participant.
We hold deep and personal ceremonies, led by ethical, female, Western Shamans, trained in both indigenous practices and Western healing modalities. We hold thorough pre-ceremony preparation sessions, and deep integration circles post-ceremony. We also offer continued support via an integration website long after the ceremonies end.
Ayahuasca, however, is NOT for everyone. Certain medical conditions, pharmaceuticals and recreational drugs can have adverse effects in combination with Ayahuasca, so it is very important to provide us with 100% honest information for your safety and wellbeing. All information will be held in strict medical confidentiality.
The Team of Healers
Alexandra Zachary
Alexandra Zachary is an Australian Ayahuasquera, Naturopath and Sound Healer working in Peru as an Integration Specialist. She holds a degree in Music Performance and has classical training as an opera singer. Alexandra plays numerous musical instruments, including the violin, piano, flute, hand drums, crystal singing bowls and others.
Alexandra has developed her Sound Healing techniques over many years, utilizing them both within plant medicine ceremonies and in separate workshops.
Alexandra holds a degree in Naturopathy (specializing in Herbal Medicine), studied Osteopathy and has trained in Transpersonal Psychology for several years.
Alexandra has been working with Ayahuasca in Peru for the past five years. She will be serving Ayahuasca and leading the voice workshop program as well as taking part in the integration work.
Janneke Boeiakaloa
has been working for the last four years as the manager and facilitator in her own Ayahuasca and San Pedro retreat in the Sacred Valley in Peru. She specializes in coaching, Shamanic work, Meditation, and Reiki, and is a Certified Inner-Child workshop facilitator, Munay Ki rites & 13th rite of the Womb initiator, as well as working with Shamanic Journeying and energetic healing.
Janneke will put all these practices and experience to good use as part of our integration team. On this retreat, she will lead meditation and ceremonies in nature. To know more about Janneke you are invited to visit her site: Ayahuasca-spirit.com
Merav Artzi
…is a healer with a wide experience in Amazonian plant medicine. She has many years experience leading retreats in Peru and around the world. Merav lived for over seven years in the Amazon jungle, where she did her apprenticeship and specialized working with the master plant Tobacco. In this retreat, she will serve Tobacco, offer preparation and integration work, and help to hold a loving and safe space for the group.
About the location
Casa De Campo
Retreat center is located in Urubamba at the heart of the Sacred Valley. It is central yet far from the tourist crowds. The retreat has beautiful secluded gardens with private corners where you can sit, reflect and relax. There are old water canals that go through the gardens and ceremonial space. The sounds of the water are healing; they also support energetic cleaning during our time in the retreat. The rooms are aesthetic and comfortable, with private bathrooms, big windows and lots of sunlight.
The cost of the retreat is $1800 and it includes
- All workshops: voice, sound healing
- Transport from Cusco center to the retreat and back on the first and last days of the retreat
- Andean offering ceremony
- Temazcal
- Womb ceremony
- Mapacho tobacco ceremony
- Two Ayahuasca ceremonies and integration
- Accommodations at Casa De Campo
- Spa day in a 5 star hotel & transport to the Spa and back
- Casa De Campo, a private room with a private bathroom
- Three vegan organic meal daily that are computable with the dietary restrictions of Ayahuasca (except for the days when we have Mapacho and Ayahuasca ceremonies at night then we have no dinner)
We collect payments through Paypal.
You can pay in 3 installments till the end of June or in two installments by the end of July. You can pay the full amount and get a discount of $100.
Initial payment is facilitated via Paypal. You invited to pay $400 via Paypal to reserve your place on the retreat, and the rest of the payment on your arrival.
How do I join this retreat?
If you have any questions please call directly on WhatsApp +51931154425
Or write to us at – meravartzi777@gmail.com